Saturday, May 09, 2009

May 9, 2009

Gospel Reading for Today: John 14:7-14

Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.

The promise of Jesus to those who believe in him, who are rightly called Christians, is only the best, the greatest. It is fullness of life, it is perfection. It is no wonder he invites us to be perfect as the Father is perfect. Instead of accepting this invitation that Christ can do great things in us, through us, and for us, our own limitations and feeling of unworthiness and sinfulness hinder us from believing. Usually, we are ready to admit that we are just but "humans." Yet, it is clear that Jesus' promise is that those who believe in him and do the works that he had done or follow him will do GREATER works.

We should understand that when Jesus did his works, the miracles, his kind of loving, he did it in all his humanity. He is like us in ALL things, except sin. So he believes and he trusts that we can do the same, we are capable of the same love that he has shown. Further, he is even sure that we can exceed what he did, all because now he is with the Father. He is our great mediator to the Father. His Spirit is with us to help us continue the works he has initiated before.

The invitation of Jesus is not a mediocre kind of life --- lukewarm. We are either hot or cold for him. We are being invited to go ALL THE WAY! We are invited to dream of greater things, to believe that we are capable of great things. We should embrace this invitation and believe that great things are possible to those who believe in him. Jesus is excited to do great things in us, through us, for us. He is just waiting for us to believe that we can and he will.

Are you ready to believe that you can do great things for God?

Are you ready to trust that God can do great things through you? for you?

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