Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 17, 2009

Today's Reading: Acts 10:26-26, 34-35, 44-48

Then Peter proceeded to speak and said, "In truth, I see that God shows no partiality. Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him."

It must have been difficult at first with the Jewish Christians to accept that salvation brought by Christ is also offered to the Gentiles. This is because up to that day, the people of Israel saw themselves as set apart by God from the Gentiles. They were the chosen people and others were not. And yet, guided by the Holy Spirit, Peter spoke these words to assure the disciples that faith in Jesus Christ is open to all. Peter knew because the spirit in Peter was the same spirit that manifested in the Gentiles. There is that "connaturality", that sense that they both share because ONE spirit, ONE God is moving them.

Today, this kind of bias and prejudice is still strong. We may not admit it but if we examine the way we react towards people who have different beliefs than ours, who belong to different religions, different class, different church, different communities, we tend to regard them as "others." There is that stance to feel "superior" or "better" than them. But if we just let the Spirit guide us, and if we just believe, and this means truly believing that there is one God, then we know that the ONE SPIRIT, ONE GOD will guide us to the truth at the appointed time. For now, we just have to trust the spirit in us, and continue to be sensitive.

Let us learn from Peter, who has been designated the "shepherd" of the Church by Jesus after the latter ascended into heaven. Peter, full of the spirit and in all humility, acknowledged that he is also a human being. The confidence that Peter manifested to his flock is a fruit of the Holy Spirit in him. Peter knew that it is not him but the Spirit of God in him who transformed him and guided him to lead the disciples to "go forth and proclaim the good news." He realized that they were set apart, yes, but not to "exclusivize" or to "own" the spirit for themselves. They were set apart for service. To serve God's people. This is the role of the Church. Our role as Church, as members of the Church, is to bring the good news to all people, and acknowledge and praise God if we notice the Spirit's works in other people.

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